
a graphic designer's whims and woes

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

:: Three time's a harm? ::

Three rejections in a row. Wow. No party, really. Apparently being a good graphic designer who created good designs is not enough. There are times when outside influence will affect what you're doing, like the raise of printing cost, lucky competitors, back-stabbing friends (haha), cheapskates and customer's bad taste. However, I learned a lot now, being a freelancer. When I was working, my (former) boss was a very good mentor and he never ceased to taught me about style, taste, and good designs. I learned a lot from him as well, a magnificent designer that he is.-pause for applause-. But being a freelancer, I learned more on people-dealings. I will vote that all design school shall put Psychology 101, Human Interaction 101, and Philosophy 101 in their syllabus. Because those classes would have been very useful for me. I have yet the skill to hear what the clients NOT saying. Haven't got the skill yet to read between the lines. Have never been rejected like this before, 3 times! Nevertheless, maybe this is good, I finally have ME time. Time to design for MY own purposes. New paperie designs, my portfolio (gosh), re-arrange the bookcase that's starting to fall apart, clean my floor off design magazines... get myself a pair new shoes... (I love the last idea!), created 2 new blogs (LOL) ... Okay, so it's not so harmful. I'd love some quality time with ME, so yay! And I shall return even a better designer! With new shoes! HA!


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