
a graphic designer's whims and woes

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

:: Blue Christmas ::

When Christmas comes I always feel blue. Maybe it's the weather, or the sudden feel of loneliness... I missed those times when my family used to gather round a big Christmas tree in my grandparents house, meeting my cousins, waiting for the gifts distribution. I don't even remember what the gifts were, but the feeling of having a lot of people to share the joy of Christmas was very strong back then. Plus, December 25th was my Grandfather's birthday, so we never missed his birthday up until we all left to study in the states. And then he passed away in 1998. Then we never spent holidays together anymore. We only met at someone's weddings or baby showers or birthday, but never Christmas. Am I the only one who's missing those moment? Any of my cousins feel the same way? They have their own families now, therefore I think I'm the only one who still remember the warmth of those days. Oh, dare I wish? :)


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